AGV PISTA GP-RR Custom Paint Helmets


Contact us so we can discuss about your own custom design

  • AGV PISTA GP RR carbon fiber prices 1800$(3 colors design)-2000$ (full custom graphics) official link
  • AGV PISTA GP RR FUTURO forged carbon fiber 2000$(3 colors design)-2200$(full custom graphics) official link
  • ARAI RX7 EVO 1400$(3 colors design)-1600$ (full custom graphics) official link
  • ARAI RX-7V RC carbon fiber 3400$(3 colors design)-3700$ (full custom graphics) official link 


•ask for avaibility on sizes

•prices not incude shipping


•You can’t sent your helmet for custom paint please be aware of that we use only our brand new helmets above

•Helmet/goods design for is private use only not for mass production (different price for mass production more than 3 helmets)

•Price is flexible depends on level of difficulty.

•You can’t send helmet please be aware of that we use only our brand new helmets above

•Design takes 1-2 weeks (depend on queue) and have 2x revision max, without change the main subject. screen share apointment avaible to work on design real time

•Custom paint takes 30 work days (normal) or DEPEND ON QUEUE

•First come first serve.

•*•shipping world take 3-7 days (depend of country u live in we use UPS express) prices not incude shipping

•We only design/custom paint if we received down payment (50%)

•finishing can be gloss or matte

•Handmade/Custom Works need TRUST, TIME CONSUMING & PATIENCE. If u kind of ppl who in the rush, want to hang the payment and complain a lot, pls reconsider before u want to do Custom Works with us.

•NO MONEY REFUND WITH ANY REASON (if we late on deadline works, we will contact you before and give small compesation)

•NO HOLD, NO PENDING, NO HANG ON PAYMENT on Paypal/Payment Status (all status must be PAID before we sent your goods).

•Finished goods which are not paid after 30 days, will be our property and under our authority.


By received/reading this note, you are agree to be bound to the following terms & condition above.

American PayPal

European PayPal

